Your Contribution
of the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb events provides assistance to the surviving families and co-workers of the 343 firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001.
The 9/11 Stair Climbs fund the programs provided by the NFFF to support the families of your local fallen firefighters and the FDNY Counseling Services Unit.
NOTATE Knoxville Climb when donating

Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze $250.00
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo will be displayed on all event signage and online adverting
One NFFF shirt
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Silver $500.00
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo will be displayed on all event signage and online adverting
One NFFF shirt
One limited custom-made, numbered, commemorative Challenge Coin
Logo signage is displayed on a floor in the Sunsphere with encouraging words for participants as they climb
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Gold $1,000
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo will be displayed on all event signage and online adverting
Two NFFF shirts
One limited custom-made & numbered, commemorative Challenge Coin
Logo signage is displayed on a floor in the Sunsphere with encouraging words for participants as they climb
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Platinum $1,500 or More
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo added as Platinum Sponsorship on NFFF T-Shirts
Three NFFF shirts
Your logo will be displayed on all event signage with online adverting
One limited custom-made & numbered, commemorative Challenge Coin
Your logo signage is displayed on a floor in the Sunsphere with encouraging words for participants as they climb
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Friends of NFFF: Any Amount
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
*Coins are limited with only 400 coins available
Sponsor Branding
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo added as Platinum Sponsorship on NFFF T-Shirts
Three NFFF shirts
Your logo will be displayed on all event signage with online adverting
One limited custom-made & numbered, commemorative Challenge Coin
Your logo signage is displayed on a floor in the Sunsphere with encouraging words for participants as they climb
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo added as Platinum Sponsorship on NFFF T-Shirts
Three NFFF shirts
Your logo will be displayed on all event signage with online adverting
One limited custom-made & numbered, commemorative Challenge Coin
Your logo signage is displayed on a floor in the Sunsphere with encouraging words for participants as they climb
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Challenge Coins
Company Receives:
Name, Company, or Logo added as Platinum Sponsorship on NFFF T-Shirts
Three NFFF shirts
Your logo will be displayed on all event signage with online adverting
One limited custom-made & numbered, commemorative Challenge Coin
Your logo signage is displayed on a floor in the Sunsphere with encouraging words for participants as they climb
Framed signage, signed by the dignitaries, presented to you after the event
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Sunsphere Floor Level
Company Receives:
Will be able to pick a quote and have their branding information on a stairwell will full visibility to 343 climbers
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
*Coins are limited with only 400 coins available
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.
After you donate with the link above email your sponsorship package, Company name, vector/PNG logo, and shirt size